"Your one stop shop for all things Grand Junction, Supporting local business, promoting events, and community conversation."


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  • permanent costs $30 for 1years. Keep your listing active permanently, and displayed above the free listings.

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If you'd like to use a custom logo on this listing's pin on maps, upload an image file here. It'll be resized to 23x36 pixels, so make sure it'll look good that small. JPEG, PNG or GIF image.

In order to update this Business link later, choose your login here.

If you wish, enter a comma-separated list of keywords describing this Business link.

Place a link to https://www.grandjunctioncommunitychat.com on your site, then fill in the exact URL of the page where you've placed the link as your reciprocal link URL. Suggested linking code:
<a href="https://www.grandjunctioncommunitychat.com">Grand Junction Community Chat Business Directory</a> - Grand Junction Community Chat Business Listings
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